Erstmalig darf ich Ihnen heute die Marke
in meinem Portfolio der unabhängigen Marken präsentieren.
Sportliche Uhren für Automobilisten, Robotikfreunde, mit Freude an kunstvollen Gravuren, oder Raumfahrer, gefertigt in höchster Qualität in der Schweiz.
Hier die Serie: The Artist Series
Mr. Roboto Bronzo wird in verschiedenen handgravierten Gehäusen angeboten, jedes in sich ein Unikat. Die Fotos zeigen Beispiele die so oder ähnlich angefertigt werden können. Jedes Motiv darf nur einmal gebaut werden. Die gezeigten Fotos zeigen Designs zu bestimmten Themen die als Anregung dienen. Alles ist möglich, Themen wie Kunst, Technik, Astronauten, Autos, Ufos, Firmenlogos u.v.m
Es sind handgefertigte Gravuren eines Meistergraveurs und da es viele Vorbestellungen gibt, dauert die Fertigung 6-7 Monate.
Today, for the first time, I am pleased to present the brand
brand in my portfolio of independent brands.
Sporty watches for motorists, robotics enthusiasts who enjoy artistic engravings, or space travellers, manufactured to the highest quality in Switzerland.
Here is the series: The Artist Series
Mr Roboto Bronzo is available in various hand-engraved cases, each one unique. The photos show examples that can be produced in the same or a similar way. Each motif may only be built once. The photos show designs on specific themes that serve as inspiration. Anything is possible, themes such as art, technology, astronauts, cars, UFOs, company logos and much more
The engravings are handmade by a master engraver and as there are many pre-orders, production takes 6-7 months.
With his eyes lit up, he swings his bright lantern and walks a few steps. Then, he shoots a slicing laser from his eyes and blows talc smoke! Witness the comeback of Mr. Roboto Bronzo, the trusty twin brother of Mr. Roboto R1, inspired by the tin toy named “Lantern Robot” of the 1950s,
ETA 2836-2/SW220 with in-house modified automated winding
GMT function, hour register, retrograde minutes, seconds
CuSn8 German Bronze 43mm x 50mm
Water Resistance
24mm German Aniline calf strap with tang bronze buckle
Individually hand-crafter. Piece unique.
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11.560,00 €Preis
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